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The regions of Astalor
The regions of Astalor
February 17, 2022
3 min


Astalor. A land of stark contrasts and ancient conflicts. From frozen wastes to verdant forests, from towering mountains to sprawling plains, each region tells a unique story. Here’s a glimpse into the diverse realms that shape this world.

Lumeshirean Divine Empire

Vast and varied, the Lumeshirean Divine Empire stands as a bastion of human civilization. Paladins and warriors defend its borders. Political intrigue runs deep. The Divine Emperor’s word is law, but even law has its limits.

“The empire is entangled in a web of political machinations, alliances, and betrayals with the Contian Theocracy.”

From north to south, Lumeshire faces constant challenges. Grukmar tribes threaten the south. The Norths press from the north. Yet the empire endures, its people united under a banner of faith and duty.

Contian Theocracy

Where magic and faith intertwine, you’ll find the Contian Theocracy. Mage towers pierce the sky. Arcane energy crackles in the air. Knowledge is power here, and power is everything.

“Although they claim neutrality, the Contians have numerous factions that accept all kinds of alignments.”

Contia’s neutrality is a carefully crafted illusion. Beneath the surface, factions vie for control. The pursuit of magical supremacy drives their every action. In Contia, today’s ally could be tomorrow’s rival.

Empire of Frostgard

In the frozen north, [Frostgard](https://www.drusniel.com/ice-and-iron-the-warriors-of-the-empire-of-frostgard/) stands defiant against nature itself. The Norths, barbarian warriors with hearts of ice and wills of iron, call this harsh land home. Runic magic flows through their veins. Spirits whisper in the howling winds.

“The northern reaches of Frostgard are plagued by giants, posing a constant threat to the Norths.”

Giants loom as a constant threat. Yet the people of Frostgard remain unbroken. Their druids commune with ancient powers. Their warriors stand ready. In Frostgard, survival isn’t just a goal—it’s a way of life.

Mountain Kingdom of Stonehold

Carved from living rock, the Mountain Kingdom of [Stonehold](https://www.drusniel.com/forge-and-fire-the-mountain-kingdom-of-stoneholds-stand-against-chaos/) is a marvel of dwarven and gnomish ingenuity. Fortress-cities defy the very laws of architecture. The ring of hammers on anvils never ceases.

Stonehold’s greatest challenge? The relentless Grukmar tribes. Yet with dwarven determination and gnomish creativity, they’ve held strong for centuries. In Stonehold, every stone tells a story of resilience.

Kingdom of Elenoria

Amidst ancient forests, Elenoria stands as a testament to elven grace and wisdom. Trees whisper secrets of ages past. Magic flows as freely as the crystal streams. Here, nature and civilization exist in harmonious balance.

The elves of Elenoria are renowned for their archery and their connection to the natural world. Their realm is a place of beauty and mystery, where time itself seems to move differently.

Grukmar Tribes

Chaos incarnate, the [Grukmar](https://www.drusniel.com/el-poder-indomito-de-las-tribus-grukmar/) Tribes are a force of pure destruction. Orcs, goblins, and creatures too foul to name make up this savage horde. They live for battle, for the thrill of conquest.

The Grukmar are a constant threat to their neighbors. Their raids keep Stonehold and Lumeshire on constant alert. In the world of Astalor, the Grukmar represent the ever-present danger of unchecked savagery.

Umbra’kor Dominion

In the shadows between realms, the Umbra’kor Dominion lurks. Home to the dark elves, it’s a place where ambition and darkness reign supreme. They serve as a buffer between the known world and the horrors beyond.

The dark elves of Umbra’kor are masters of sinister magic. They venture into the dreaded Wymreach, seeking power at any cost. In Astalor’s delicate balance, Umbra’kor is a necessary evil—but evil nonetheless.

Wymreach Dominion

Beyond the tempestuous sea lies the Wymreach Dominion. It’s a prison for pure evil, a realm of nightmares made flesh. Few dare to even speak its name.

“Only the dark elves of Umbra’kor can establish contact with this forsaken realm.”

The horrors contained within Wymreach are beyond mortal comprehension. It stands as a grim reminder of the darkness that threatens to consume Astalor should the barriers ever fall.

These are the realms of Astalor. Each unique, each vital to the world’s precarious balance.




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Table Of Contents

Lumeshirean Divine Empire
Contian Theocracy
Empire of Frostgard
Mountain Kingdom of Stonehold
Kingdom of Elenoria
Grukmar Tribes
Umbra'kor Dominion
Wymreach Dominion

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